Classmate Profiles
Classmate Profiles 

How many classmates can you name?

Round 2 winner, for the second time in a row, is Kerry Fay Craffey.  Kerry was almost perfect again, missing the first name of Wally Schubert.


The answers are:

Column one:  Lori Sadlon, Kathie Schaefer, Debbie Scherer

Column two:  Diana Sandberg, Pat Schank, Andrea Schanzenbach

Column three: Mike Santoli, Ellen Schmidt, Wally Schubet

Large photo:  Bob Petro

Round 1 Winner:  Kerry Fay Craffey, who amazingly identified all the above classmates correctly.  Bob Hubbard came in second, who missed only one.  Diana Grassi Grossman came in third with 10 out of 13.


The tough one was Mike Guerino.  Only Kerry got that one right.


The answers are:


Column 1:  John Giacchi, Janet Grapengeter, Scott Gross

Column 2 (large photo): Mary (Robin) Senter

Column 3: Lesley Goddin, Diana Grassi, Mike Guerino

Column 4: Gregg Goodell, Mary Jane Gray, Nancy Gunderson

Column 5: Terry Gordon, Martin Greif, Steve Hager



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