Classmate Profiles
Classmate Profiles 






Check back here for updates!



Jeff Jasper, with Lesley Goddin . . . 



. . . with John Giacchi . . .


. . . and with Alice Scotten




Kerry Fay Craffey and John Giacchi

November 4, 2016 - Hillsdale - Members of the PV Class of 1975 gathered once again for our Reunion Reunion at Domani Restaurant  With the 40 year reunion still a recent memory and many of us having kept in touch since, we are no longer "friends we haven't seen in years."  















Jordan DeFlora, Laura DeFlora and Drew Ruspini

Alice Scotten, Kathie Schaefer Warner and Debby Bucky Birrer
Kit Villani Argenti, Greg Goodell and Jane Buckley Schwartz
Pat Schank Carlson, Peggie Burke and John Giacchi
John Giacchi and John Murano
Liz Janssen and Bob Zorowitz
Richard and Barbara Spielmann
Peggie Burke and John Giacchi


October 20, 2016, Hillsdale, New Jersey- Both Sharon Rubenstein and Jill  Seiden Anolik were in town this past week and were joined by locals Kathie Schaefer Warner, friend Christine, Diana Grassi Grossman and her husband, Glenn, John Murano, Bob Zorowitz and Grady Coneen (class of '76) for dinner at Della Cucina.  Diana brought her prized five pound Hershey bar which she kept for a special occassion after being awarded "Most Spirit" at our 40 year reunion in October 2015.  Yes, she did open it and shared it with the class!


Lesley's Back

August 10, 2016, Westwood, NJ - One of the great things about our recent reunion is how it truly reunited many of us, and how we have kept in touch with each other since.  Recently, Lesley Goddin stopped by for a visit, and was joined by Bob Zorowitz, John Murano, Bob Hubbard, Kathie Schaefer Warner and Karen Arigot O'Reilly for wine, dinner and conversation at the Granita Grille in Westwood.


Have you gotten together with classmates recently?  Have some stories or photos you'd like to share?  Please, send them our way and we will post them here! 




Contact us at:  ADMIN@PVHS75.COM






Visitors since November 26, 2014:

You may contact us at admin@pvhs75.com

Debby Bucky Birrer, Art Stone and Nancy Conrad Lembke
Liz and Jer Janssen
Kathie Schaefer Warner, Lesley Goddin and Sharon Rubenstein
Jordan DeFlora and Debby Bucky Birrer
Kit Villani Argenti, Jane Buckley Schwarz, Frank Piscopo and Stephanie Serra Dalley
Carol Rekow Flach and Larry Flach
Nancy Conrad Lembke and Bob Hubbard
John Murano,
Pascack Valley Class of 1975  

        October 19, 2015

Jordan DeFlora, Kerry Fay Craffey and Laura DeFlora
Blend Air Mechanical - Heating Cooling Plumbing - Classmate Diana Grassi Grossman, Boss' Wife - 845-624-5000
Click above to see our Yearbooks
Click above to see Record article on our graduation.

You got something to say?  Say it!  Post your comments, questions, shout-outs, and any news or memories you'd like to share here,  where you can also go to see what other classmates have had to say.

News and Announcements

Bob Zorowitz, Kit Villani Argenti, Kathie Schaefer Warner, Art Stone, Jordan DeFlora and Bob Hubbard

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Reunion Committee Reunites

On Tuesday, November 17, the Reunion Committee met to discuss plans for Reunion XLV in 2020.  Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves! In actuality, we got together for some wine, cheese and good conversation, as the reconnecting expreience enjoyed by us in the planning of our Big Event has now extended beyond.  As for the reunion refresher in October 2016, we won't start working on those details until sometime next year.

Meanwhile, we are coming close to both the one year anniverary of the launching of our website on Novmeber 26, 2014 as well as our 10,000th visitor.  We now have 9,905 visitors as of this writing.  That means that we have had an average of more than 27 web hits per day. Not bad for a surviving class of about 280!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Allison Moorehead:  The classmate profiles keep coming

She wore Levi's, quotes the Dalai Lama, loves Arizona, but doesn't want to die in the desert.

See what Allison has been up to during the past 40 years.


Wednesday, October 28, 2015


We've posted the rest of Lesley's reunion photos here.

We'd like to post your photos of Reunion Weekend.  Please let us know if you have any by contatcting admin@pvhs75.com.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015



Picture #8 will make your jaw drop.

Well, not really.  But we have some photos Lesley took that to our knowledge, have not yet been posted on Facebook.  So far, we have only Saturday afternoon posted here.  We'll post more in the coming days.

In the meantime, we've figured a way to make the pictures in our gallery larger, so you don't have to squint or go running for your glasses.

Monday, October 26, 2015

More photos on the way

We just received close to 100 reunion photos, which Lesley sent us after she arrived home.  We are presently sorting them and plan to post them here shortly,  We hope to be able to scoop Facebook on this one!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Good news and a word of thanks from Laura Neff Casselman

Laura is one of three classmates whose health issues prevented them from attending our 40 year reunion, and for whom we circulated a card to express appropriate wishes.  Laura has good news to report, and a word of thanks and appreciation.

Dear Pascack Valley Classmates,

I am truly honored and elated that my high school classmates remembered me and provided much appreciated prayers and well wishes during my battle with various health issues.

After a long year of different diagnoses, and surgeries to include mixed connective tissue disease, a thymoma, (cancer of the thymus), gall bladder surgery, pancreatitis, and finally a surgery for a pylorus-sparing pancreaticoduodenectomy, or the whipple surgery. I’m happy to report that I’m clean and cancer free!!
When you think about it it’s an amazing time that we live in. With early detection, and intervention many lives will be spared, as was mine!  I went into this with a positive attitude, and lots support, and prayers from family, work, and friends, to include former HS classmates so I had no worries…. I knew I was going to beat this thing!!!   I’m still recovering, and it’s hard for me to be still but I’m trying!
Again thank you so much for your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes.   The composition notebook you all sent me with your thoughts is incredibly heartwarming!  I was happy to re-connect at the 35th and I’m certainly looking forward to getting re-acquainted at the 45th! Amen!!!  
To John and all the others that put the reunion together congratulations for such an amazing turn out, and for not forgetting any details!
Laura (Neff) Casselman

Saturday, October 24, 2015


A message from Suzy Hering and Bob Alacci

As those who attended the Reunion Saturday October 17, 2015 are aware,we signed and sent a card out to each of three classmates who would have joined us for the festivities, but were unable to do so due to health reasons.  

This is what we received in response from Suzy Hering and Bob Alacci:

Hi everyone!

It looks like you had a terrific time! I just wanted to thank all of you especially John for sending me such a sweet remembrance of the event. I got a "yearbook" style card in the mail yesterday with all of your great well wishes! It really touched my heart.  I can't tell you how special that is!

Thank you all so much for "missing me"! Just so you know I am making an amazing recovery and my doctors are shocked and in awe! Guess its hard to keep a fighter down as I have proved to them over and over again. I do miss you all and my old home town- and eagerly look forward to see you all at the next reunion or before!

Take Care!



I just got today's mail.....WOW, what an unbelievably thoughtful and so so meaningful gift I found in the card you had generated and signed by great, kind and wonderful class mates, FRIENDS!

I am so taken aback by the whole thing, and to hear from and just see some of the names - I just can't tell you how great it made me feel and how genuinely touched I am by the comments and well wishes!!  I must have read the card and comments 20 times in a row when I opened it.  What a great group of friends to have taken time out in the evening to send personal well wishes my way!!!  Wow did it bring me back, not only to High School, but from some, way back to elementary school back in good old River Vale!!  Unbelievable - I will treasure that card and all the comments by such great people.

If there is a way, Please pass on my thanks to everyone involved.....I had a huge smile while reading it - from just the thoughtfulness of all and the fun memories that others brought up - Means a lot!!!!!!

I am doing good - and making the best of great things I have in my life, most of all my family - Then of course everyone who reached out and all my friends - Very lucky! So what a great thing you and others did on my behalf, and please know how very much I appreciate it and how moved I was .....seriously I don't even know what to say to express how wonderful it made me feel and how grateful I am to all -Unbelievable, WOW!

My Best,


Friday, October 23, 2015


Sharon Rubenstein (Who came farthest, Most Tattoos -9 ) with Stephanie Serra Dalley (First to by a ticket); Liz "MC" Janssen with Debbra Bassant Edwards (Most grandchildren - 7, Where the Hell is that award for Norwood MO, Pop. 665); Nancy Meyer Luce with Emma Brandon (Most careers); Stephanie Serra Dalley, Kerry Fay Craffey (First to retire) and Joyce McCarthy Snyder; Sue Casper Andrews with Nancy Conrad Lembke (Most states lived in);  Diana Grassi Grossman (front, Most Class Spirit) with Carolyn Bowler Joy and Kelly Spence.



The friends we loved and lost


Those who attended the main event on October 17 were moved by the tribute to our lost classmates produced by Bob Zorowitz. The images touched our hearts and for a moment, we felt the presence of those who were taken from us way too soon.    


The video montage tribute can be seen here.  


Check out the Warrior Yearbook from 1972, 1974 and 1975.

Remember this classmate?  See Volume 2 Classmate Profiles

Rest in Peace Lorraine

Rest in Peace Laura Jean

Rest in Peace Brian

Rest in Peace Susan

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